Redfield, Robert, 1897-1958. Papers, 1917-1958 (inclusive).


Redfield, Robert, 1897-1958. Papers, 1917-1958 (inclusive).


Personal correspondence (1903-1958) including letters to family from France (1917), Tepoztlán (1926-1927), Yucatán and Guatemala (1930-1948), and China and Europe (1948-1949). Miscellaneous academic records (1912-1924), poetry (1916-1920), and a diary (1917). Correspondence with students and colleagues, including A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Meyer Fortes, Monica Wilson, Fred Eggan, Sol Tax, Milton B. Singer, Helen MacGill Hughes, Everett C. Hughes, Alfonso Villa Rojas, Börje Hanssen, Francis L.K. Hsu, Surajit Sinha, Elsie Clews Parsons, and others. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, reports, and proposals pertaining to professional organizations and foundations (1928-1958): American Anthropological Association; American Council of Learned Societies; Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America; Hispanic Foundation; Joint Committee on Latin American Studies; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Anti-defamation League; American Council on Race Relations; U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs; Committee on Education, Training, and Research in Race Relations; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Ford Foundation; Rockefeller Foundation; Social Science Foundation of the University of Denver; Wenner-Gren Foundation; National Research Council; and others. Middle American field materials (Tepoztlán, Yucatán, Guatemala, Mexicans in Chicago): correspondence, field notes, budgets, proposals, outlines, manuscripts of publications. Notes and manuscripts of Alfonso Villa Rojas, Asael Hansen, Sol Tax, and Benjamin Paul. Research files for Middle American ethnography. Photographs and negatives. Notes, outlines, syllabi, and bibliographies for courses. Student papers (1920s-1940s), including some of Redfield's. Notes and drafts of published and unpublished books and articles. Offprints. Chicago Round Table broadcasts.

56.75 linear ft.

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